Our rebar tying expertise has improved.
The cold weather is not a time for tying rebar.
With the two manual handtools, one from Gensco and one from Lowes, we can handle the 6 inch ties with loops (tool from Lowes) and the spool of wire (using the Gensco tool). We figure that we have tied about 5000 ties in doing the two layers. One more layer to go. And, tying in the retaining wall, the parapet and the earth tubes still to do. Then all the rebar for the garage will be done.
View of WEST side of garage |
View of EAST side of garage |
In doing the second layer, we had to tie the vertical second layer to the horizontal first layer AND the 6x6 burlap mesh underneath. In connecting the 6x6, we created a more uniform interior surface. The next layer should be a lot easier, using the Lowes tool primarily, and not necessitating a person on the inside and outside at the same time. So two people can be tying ties at the same time. And climbing on the building to install the upper horizontal last layer will have an easier foothold on the existing rebar.
The Interior showing the overlap of burlap 6x6 mesh panels |