23 August 2015

North Wall with Leaky Windows vs North Wall with New Windows

Leaky Windows 8 ft tall

The carpenters cut away the EIFS and took out the windows on the first floor, replaced Tyvek, flashing and caulk.  They installed the new windows and put an extra strip of flashing over the windows.  They also took the door frame out, made sure the door would fit the new door frame, which is made out of PVC, and installed the door and new frame and installed flashing over the door. It now works without binding. Vincent was able to enlist the services of Wade to remedy the EIFS and caulk around the windows and doors.
New 6 ft tall Windows, Door, and slab

We water tested with a hose, but have not had a decent rain, nor a Nor'easter, to check the weatherproofness of the windows. 
The next step on this wall is a deck.  We are awaiting availability of the carpentry crew -  they are expected to be here before the end of September.
Meanwhile, we will be working indoors on the drywall and painting that could not be accomplished while the windows were leaking.

05 August 2015

The North Side of House - Before and After (Slab, Windows, Door, HVAC)

North Side of House Before Patio
 We now have a 10 x 40 North patio.  It has fully cured and is looking good. In the "before" picture, you can see the ramp up to the door, and a white pipe sticking up about 2 feet out of the ground.
North Side of House After Patio
 In the "after" picture, we were still curing the slab which is covered in plastic. We had also covered our leakiest window in plastic.  That seemed to ward off any rainfall.

And in the "after that" picture, we have the plastic off, and we have replaced the windows and entry door on the first floor.  The EIFS is scheduled to be repaired next week. You may also notice on the left, a new HVAC heat pump unit. And our Serious Materials Windows that we were not doing their job, are on pallets laying around waiting for some way to use leaky windows.  They are replaced with Simonton Windows.

North Side After THAT!
Leaky windows, we hope, are no longer an excuse preventing our progress with the deck, the indoor drywall and the painting.  We await some needed rain later this week, testing the Simonton waterproofness.