21 June 2014

Electricians and Concrete Finishers

Progress continues.  During the week, we prepare for the weekend crew and/or at least think about the problems and possible solutions to the situations we are in and make sure we have resources for the weekend.  Saturdays, we have our concrete finishers come and make lots of progress.  They have 'cosmetically' fixed our arch on the South wall so that it is ready for or close to ready for the finish coat.  The South wall still needs a thin base coat before the finish coat.  And we have found that we can cap the parapets with EIFS rather than a metal cap.  So today, they are parging the back of the three parapets of the house to make them smooth, and have started constructing the garage cap with the Expanded Polystyrene to form the cap.  Once the cap is coated with base coat, which will probably be next weekend, we will be able to apply the finish coat.
Locust tree shooting up shows that time passes....

Miguel II and Fidel holding proposed 'cap EPS'

Electricians have been out during the week intermittently and accomplished some work.  We always wish it went faster, but it is progressing. And we are discussing interior paint or wall coatings.  And how and when to do the epoxy floors.
Lights on the West wall

Lights on the East wall

The excavator has not been here.  The weather has not been in our favor, with afternoon showers/thunderstorms expected most days.  We are starting to shovel by hand on the garage roof to get an idea of the slope the umbrella will take.  Hopefully soon, we will have good enough weather for a couple of days to complete the garage umbrella. We are also wanting the ends of the earth tubes to be dug up and extended.  This is a big job as they currently end at the North end of the house and need to go to the driveway, thru the heat exchanger under the driveway, and then some into the woods, a total of between 50 and 100 feet.