08 February 2014

11 and 6, then 18 and 8 - Barrel Vault Ceiling Getting Plastered

Eleven bags (80 lbs each) of Mortar Mix and Six bags (70 lbs each) of Masonry Cement were used Friday.  Our concrete finishing crew of 4 put base on the West side of the barrel vault of the living room (great room) and finished the last bay of the second floor that was in base coat. 

Eighteen (80s) and Eight (70s) were used on Saturday.  The crew of 5 finished the West side of the barrel vault in the living room (great room) and put one bay on the East side in base coat.

Fernando, Fidel, Sabino and Jorge Luis (l-r)

Sabino, Fidel, Fernando and lower right Guadalupe
 Perhaps you can extrapolate how many bags we have used thus far.  I know it has been a lot.  The 'barrel vault' over the second floor is completed.  There is a very minor little 'ceiling' area between the main house and the West Annex that needs the finish coat.    And work this week will be prepping the remaining surfaces so base coat can be applied.  (Prepping means removing loose burlap and wires, and chiseling bulges of concrete.)
(edited by ownerA)