24 February 2015

A Major Drywall Milestone

Keith has been driving us lately.  The knowledge that his other job will probably be taking him away from us in March made us realize the valuable asset he is to us.  The past two weeks we primarily had him helping us with the South wall.  It still needs some work, but the major heavy work has been accomplished.  Thanks, Keith!
Bill on the scaffold measuring for the last 3 sheets of drywall

 I estimate another 60-some sheets of drywall to be hung before occupancy (some more after that).  It has gotten too cold in the structure, with the low temperatures outside, to do painting.  It is about 44 degrees inside.  

The manufacturer of the windows has agreed to work with us to help solve our leakage problem.  We are looking for better weather for that also.  Snow is in the forecast again this week.

Here is what the painting looks like so far.
The closet where we checked out the color and said 'Yes!'

The reflections on the ceiling are from tools laid out to dry in the living room (first floor) that are in direct sunlight.

02 February 2015

Drywall and Painting

We continue to do drywall.  None of the drywall is ready to paint  at this time, but some walls are close to ready. Bill worked on some shelving in the pantry while waiting for a 'subcontractor' to arrive and talk about our next concrete project.
He did call and put us off until today.....

I prepped one of the upstairs walk-in closets, which means I scraped and primed the metal arch.  I painted the barrel vault in that room.  I looked in this morning, in the overcast light, it was a nice pale blue.
 You can see through the doorway above, some of the metal arches still to be done, and the almost finished drywall.  The South wall, with the windows, is mostly insulated and will probably get drywall on it this week.  He did call and put us off until today.....

In my last post, I wrote of a window-leak problem.  The tape did not work.  The window still leaked. We are talking to the manufacturer via the distributor.  Our faith in the 'lifetime warranty' is waning.