27 October 2016

Certificate of Occupancy

The Certificate of Occupancy is 'in the mail.' We have met the criteria for occupancy, and now can focus on making it livable.  Here are some pictures.
Stairway, Second Floor Railing, and Kitchen (Unveiled)

Lots More Work To Do
Electric Panel Trim
Making lists of little projects to get done and getting them done so we can soon live there.

07 October 2016

Pictures of the Stairway in Progress

Looking to the South, viewing the North side of the staircase

Looking to the East

Can't jump off on this side anymore

Look at all that PROGRESS! and Beautiful Wood

The Band around the Living Room at the 2nd Floor Level is looking good.

04 October 2016

02 October 2016

Definition of "Painting" and Progress Update

I thought the painting was finished and I would get a break...however, I was told that varnishing is painting.  The varnishing of certain pieces is now finished, mostly some doors and windowsills that are ready. There will be lots more to do...soon.
The earthpipes' retaining walls are completed.  And we are getting some more gravel on Monday to complete the exterior 'look'.


The carpenters did come for a day, installed some pocket doors, installed some trim, installed a vanity, and tub surrounds.
The plumbers did come and installed 3 faucets in vanities, set a toilet, and solved some other problems. For lack of some fittings, they could not install the antique tub.  And there are only 5 (five) things left plumbing-wise - a toilet, 3 sink faucets,  and the antique tub, but none are critical to occupancy.
The electrician came twice.  We are close to completion, and need to do an inventory of what is/is not "live".
Also, Warner has come back to work with us to make our living room beautiful, along with the rest of the house, as more of the trim is getting in place.  So far he has made and installed the windowsills on the South wall, and most of the 'trim' boxing around the second floor line of the living room.  

The stairway parts and railing for the second floor were delivered this week. Warner and Bill will be working on this project Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (at least).  We believe this is the main item that stands in the way of a certificate of occupancy.  So, hopefully, we will be moving in soon. - by Christmas THIS YEAR!