The INSIDE of the Garage was shot with mortar last week.
Other MAJOR accomplishments, though taken singly, small things, are that the erosion control is still under control; one of the earth tubes was extended to within one connection of the retaining wall; a lot of chipping away at shotcrete that adhered to the garage floor, scaffolding and tools created a better, safer environment; garage overhead door was ordered to be installed within a week or two, hopefully; of the many stucco procedure possibilities, we decided on one for the garage South facing wall; our excavation man, another Dan, visited and work was discussed and agreed to start next week; the burlap 6x6 panels awaiting installation have been moved to accommodate excavation; a path was created on the East side of the garage to enable ease for backfilling to occur; and we enjoyed the spring weather; and we are in the process of getting contractors lined up to work on the house.
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