Steel in West Retaining Walls
The forms that are on the outside of the retaining walls are of 16 inch width. So it in not a true circle, but it approximates one. It was an exercise in geometry to inscribe the top line for the wall on the form. After we calculated some altitudes along the arc, the Mexicans found some plastic gasket associated with our garage door, and used it's flexibility to show them where the top of the wall would be.
Here are some pictures of their progress thus far. The outer forms are constructed with the steel in place.
This picture shows the inner forms starting to be put in place. It is the Northern side of the West retaining walls.
This is the Southern side of the West retaining walls.
The South side |
The North side |
We are excited as these walls will be poured later this week. And then, next week, the BIG event - the shotcrete of the 'roof' of the house.
We had some other exciting news today - our bobcat has been in the shop awaiting a rebuilt hydraulic pump. It has arrived. So Bill can go over this weekend and help install that; so, soon, we will have the bobcat back in service!
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