These pictures are of the primer applied to the 'tunnel' and West Annex, and the butyl tape inplace on the retaining wall connection to the parapet (only one picture, four actual retaining wall/parapet connections).
There are no the parapet which needs to be addressed after backfilling.
On the interior, the tunnel has the base coat of concrete plastering, and work continues on the East interior wall. During one rainstorm where we measured 5 inches fell, we had rain coming in a conduit where the water pipe will eventually enter. We capped that pipe to help keep the interior dry.
And we want to be able to document that we are actually using the dirt around our house as a heat storage area, so we are installing conduits within which we will slide a temperature 'probe' or data logger to record the temperature of the subsurface soil around the house.
Conduit buried except screw-end at edge of retaining wall (NE) |
(SE) Conduit partially buried at this point |
(NW) Conduit |
(SW) Conduit |