There was a wall of dirt at the end of the West Annex. It is now shoveled away and either lays in a new pile of dirt to the right of the picture, or has been made part of a new 'roadway' over a ditch with a culvert pipe. This area will enable the framers to have scaffolding and a work area just outside the building for assembling the West wall.
This shows the back of the garage and how the dirt has partially filled the hole.
We are very excited. The I-joists (and other materials) are to be delivered tomorrow (Thursday). The framers will be here to install the North wall (at least partially) and the West wall starting on Monday, if not this Friday. The second floor is scheduled for assembly on Saturday 14 April. And Mario and his crew of concrete workers are scheduled to come Monday thereafter to start putting the panels and rebar on. I will say it again. WE ARE VERY EXCITED. We hope we haven't forgotten something. And we hope everything goes well.
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